Digital and analogue equipment. The best from two worlds.
We utilize the diverse capabilities of digital technology as well as the superior quality of analogue equipment. The combination of the two provides unique results with full, clear sound characteristics.
The double heart of our studio consists of a full Pro Tools HD system and a Cadac analogue desk from 1980 - one of the few remaining units in the world and less known than the Neve consoles, not least because it's purchase price of CHF 1.5 million. For most studios, this "Rolls Royce" was simply unaffordable.
Of course, the quality of a recording also depends on how it's captured at the source. In order to provide the best microphone for every instrument and every voice, we've built an extensive collection over the years.
Vintage compressors such as the ADR Compex are also worth a mention, but if you really want to know the details, here's our current equipment list.